Monday, July 20, 2015

I'll do it

I want to give a shout out to singers,dancers,readers,writers actors, scientists, math patishons, presidents old and new. Tv shows like Jessie, Girl meets world, Doctor who, Glee, and many others. Some people to shout out to are Derek Landy, the Glee cast, MIKA. They all do important things , me I don't but I'm young. So ya I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING IMPORTANT YET!! But I will and I'll do big things you all will!! If you haven't already.😎

Friday, July 17, 2015

Sour patch kid SLERPYS

Sour patch kids are already popular so why make a SLERPY that has the flavor of a watermelon?
It's not even sour! But I mean dont get me wrong I LOVE the slurpy but really sour patch kid company you can do better than that 😏